
This is the full list of compatible hardware for Eddy Voice Remote.  To see which technology is best refer to IR Blaster vs HDMI CEC vs IP Based Technology.

IR Blasters

The following IR Blasters are compatible:

IP Based Technology


The following IP Based Technology, that are socket based, are compatible:


The following IP Based Technology, that are restful based, are compatible:

  • Roku
    • Supported only with Eddy Bridge
  • Direct TV
    • Must have Remote Control Enabled
  • Panasonic TV
    • Any Panasonic TV that supports HTTP
  • HTTP Post or Get Request

Restful APi


Using Eddy Bridge on Raspberry Pi, you can send Wake on Lan packets, HDMI CEC commands via HDMI Cable, and send Android ADB Commands*.


* Some Android Devices, such as Mi Box require you use a USB cable to enable TCPIP 5555. Most Android devices only require you enable ADB Debugging.